Tuesday, May 8, 2012


It started out pretty rough.  I mean I was the new roommate but the stray was getting all the attention.  Then there was the incident with the computer, and he would say "I could fix it if only I had a working computer". I didn't believe him because he is the kind of person that puts hand soap in the dishwasher.  So I had to find nice ways to equivocate his pleas to use my computer. I said things like "No you can't touch my stuff cause you will break it."  Then there was the whole entire smelly rotten milk incident.  Yeah it was horrible, so gross.  Even though he didn't have anything to do with it I still associate it with him in my mind.

Now that he has gone though, I miss him. When I get home today I won't see anyone sitting on a mattress in the middle of the living room "working" on Eric's computer, seemingly eradicating invisible trojans. In reality he is just fiddling around on shareware websites and listening to dubstep  .  And you know what, I like dubstep.

All in all I am really going to miss the guy.  We had are ups and downs, but we managed to put ourselves aside and work together.  When I say work together, I mean we had a conversation about Flux Pavilion once. 


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