Thursday, September 13, 2012

Real life Pokemon

some pokemon are badgers with
with skulls on their head.

Recently I have been playing a lot of pokemon.  Approximately 20 hours of game time in three days. How do I accomplish all this pokemon playing whilst going to school and working two jobs?  I don't sleep. That is how.
Actually, just the other day I quit playing.  So now instead of searching for TMs in the Pokecenter of Verilian city, I am blogging...

I have a good reason for quitting too. You see my Kadabra learned dream eater, which is a totally awesome kick anus move.  It has 100 power and 100  accuracy with a 50 life leach affect.  This move was going to make him the most powerful creature in my arsenal, but there is one problem.  For the move to be affective the adversary has to be asleep. Ok, not a big problem right? I mean I could just go to the poke-towers hike up to level five and buy a hypnosis TM. But wait, they don't sell one.  In fact, come to find out there isn't even a hypnosis TM in the entire freaking game! That means my Kadabra will never be able to use dream eater. So I got frustrated and I quit playing.

Though I have stopped playing I can't get pokemon out of my head. I see poke-creatures everywhere. Ok, so that picture of cuebone isn't real. It is Photoshopped.  No big deal because cuebone sucks as a pokemon anyway. But here is a picture of a real life creature that could very well be a pokemon.


Why would I write about this? and Why would I post it on a blog for the public of the internet to read?  Those are two good questions that I should answer for you. So I will respond with a question of my own.  I am at work, what else would I be doing?
Pikachu got cancer...
The reality  of pokemon is actually pretty sick and pretty twisted.  As I look over these adorable creatures I realize that Ash Catchum and Misty would gladly like to encapsulate them in a pokeball, releasing them occasionally only to make them fight.  It is like dog fights, but with rats vs dogs and birds vs telepathic creatures that use psybeam.

OMG Magikarp is evolving
Magikarp is the worst. That is all there is to it. If you don't believe me look at this.

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