Thursday, August 29, 2013

2+2=5 ( The Mathmatics of Pragmatic Worship)

 You have not been
Paying attention
Paying attention
                  Oh hail to the thief                                                                Oh hail to the thief  
                                                                                      but I am not
Don't question my authority or put me in a box cause I am not.

Worship is a feeling or expression of reverence or adoration for a deity.   It is not lip service that defines a religion, but rather the devotion and service one gives.  It is action that defines worship. 
So what are the gods of the 21st century? What do people bow to and obey? What is it that they actually serve?  What  is it that they worship?  

At the pinnacle of the modern pantheon is an ancient god originating Mesopotamia.  In the English language this is called "The State"

The state is the one thing every citizen adheres to.  The agnostics, atheists, Buddhists, Christians, and all denominations of religion all follow the teachings of the state.

The state is made real by something called the Tinkerbell effect.  The more people believe in it the more it actually becomes real.  But if you think about it, the state doesn't really exists.  The government buildings aren't the state, that would be like saying a church is god.  The politicians are nothing more than earthly representatives, like priests promoting the will of their deity. 

To say that the power of the state comes from voting is absurd.  This is just a ritual in the church of the state. A group of individuals cannot confer the power to kill, steal, or wage war.  The reason being: You cannot give away a power or right that you do not possess yourself. 
There is something ominous about this church. The state actively creates criminals to intimidate and keep power.   If you don't file taxes, you may be sentenced jail time. Look at Edward Snowden. After leaking information about CISPA "Cyper Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act", He was arrested for espionage.

CISPA basically allows the government to see whatever it is you are dong online.  They can view your online banking, check where you live, who you associate with, yadda yadda yadda. Espionage is when someone spies and gives information to the enemy. Snowden gave us, the public, info on what the state was doing.  The state arrested Snowden for releasing information to the enemy. So... that kind of makes... the public the enemy? 

What are the consequences of worshiping a deity that treats you like an enemy?

Monday, July 8, 2013

A KNO3 Chemical Kind of 4th of July.

I feel like this photo was shopped...
Today is not actually the fourth of July. It is the 7th.  So I am going to have to travel backwards through my memory till I can find what it was I wanted to write about.

July 7th.  slept worked. made 103 dollars
July 6th.  slept worked made 212 dollars
July 5th. slept worked made 127 dollars

July 4th. AHA there we go.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Endorsed To Update Nonsensical Blog. Now Becomes Oblogation AHAHAHAHA


  •  I started biking (went once). 
  • Friends now call me Badge
  • Got a job.
  • need a haircut.
  • decided my new ambition in life is to become an internetainerpreneur 
  • yes, it means what you think it means
  • have started using bullet points inappropriately 
  • That about catches us up.