Monday, June 11, 2012

Ebooker, Personality Critic, Conspiracy Theorist

I told you I started writing Ebooks. This is an Ebook that I wrote about weight loss. I recommended that you read the first two pages, unless you actually want to learn how to cut some weight in an easy, non-stressful way, in which case you should read the whole thing.

Psst. Hey guys I started a new one. It is about celebrity health, sorta like an in depth look at how celebrities attain the bodies that they have.  Full of good stuff.  And I have a sneak peak for you too. 

Haha. What? Yeah I totally wrote that. It is copyrighted, so don't even think about taking it. From that sentence I assume you inferred I was mentioning Chris Hemsworth and his Thor workout routine. I am sure after you read that your heart skipped a beat. Well if you want the whole entire titalting story you are just going to have to wait because I am not even done with it yet.

Here is the thing. It was supposed to be finished last Friday, but I got caught up with the whole Examiner thing.
-- By the way, I scored 8 of 8 on the editorial review of my last article about Will Smith's wife-- So anyway, now I am actually working on it again, but it turns out this topic of celebrity health is like a treasure trove of receipt paper. There is so much information about seemingly valuable things, it is just more than I could have ever hoped for or wanted.

So read about health. It is good for you.

PS. Sorry this article wasn't some conspiracy revelation. I know you all love those so much, but I can't have a revelation every single day..  But I do feel a really good one coming along shortly, maybe on Wednesday or Thursday. 

PPS. Oh yeah. A new game I just made up.  Whoever can point out the most grammar/ spelling errors wins a "mention" in my next blog.

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