Saturday, July 28, 2012

Political issues will now be settled with memes

Politics is confusing and boring. That is why most people hate it and avoid it at all costs. Luckily we live in the enlightened edge of digital communication where we can express every thing we want with simple pictures called "memes".

Meet Obama.

obama cool

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Obama Has You By The Neck

Of course you have heard about health care reform.  That is all anyone cares about.  Geez it makes me angry. Ok I will sum it up for you, and then we will get to the real topic.  There will be people that will say, "Health care is the one thing that I believe should be universal. I mean who doesn't deserve the right to live?"  That is a cute notion. Don't fall for it.  You can't just give everyone health care. If you could I would be all for it.  However, there is too much economical whiplash that comes with it. Basically the government wants doctors to work for free.  I don't think the doctors want to do that.  Let's pretend I am a doctor for one second.  I might say something like.  "Welp, healthcare aint gonna feed my family."  You see what I am saying. There is no medication for starvation! Do you understand.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Higgs Boson Confirms Belief In Ethereal Matter (I Am Talking About Your Soul)

Understand that it confirms 'my' belief in ethereal matter (spiritual matter).  Everything I tell you is true.  Even my thoughts truly are my thoughts, I will tell you before I start speculating so you know not to repeat it. Everything else is totally fact. It is actualy like super awesome news for science. HORRAY FOR SCIENCE.

The Higgs Boson was discovered. This is an incredible discovery that a lot of people will take for granted.  Mainly it is great news for the standard model of physics because now it doesn't have to be thrown away.   What? you haven't heard of The Higgs Boson. What may sound like a mountaineer who lives in Yellow Stone, rides bison, and wrestles bears is actually a field, sort of like a magnetic field.
This picture explains everything

This Higgs Boson field has a very interesting quality about it.  It gives other particles mass.  wait did you even hear that? IT GIVES MASS.  just like hot dogs on white bread -- Happy Fourth BTW, I am deciding to call it Dependence Day from now on-- this field provides mass.  

Imagine this Higgs Boson like stuff, it is everywhere and it is all around us, but it really isn't stuff it is more like potential stuff. Other atomic particles pass through this Higgs Boson and collect mass, just like if it was a fast food restaurant. Like people some particles take more than others, and thus they acquire more mass.

Here is why it is really neat. This means that mass 'happens' to a particle rather than being an intrinsic quality.   Each particle is given mass as it passes through this Higgs Boson.  Physicists say this explains why and how dark matter exists, and some other things that weren't really proven, but I don't know all the facts about that.

Because this field gives mass to particles (this is me speculating) it would seem that the frame work of all mass was created before it was ever made into matter.  That means you, my friend, existed before you had a body. Then one day you, you being atomic particles, floated into the Higgs Boson and voila you got a body.  Of course the body did a lot of good developing in the womb and on earth, but the initial essence of you had to start as a template without any mass whatsoever. I am saying you were a spirit in some pre-life. Do you get it!?

To me this makes sense.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

You Are A Bit Psychic, and Have Been Since Late Adolesence

I go through these phases where things interest me.  I don't know what it is, curiosity I suppose.  Someday it will probably kill me.

Lately I have been reading, watching, and listening to neuroscientists discuss their latest discoveries. I learned something from a women named Rebecca Saxe. She said, and I am paraphrasing, "Thomas Valadez you are a psychic person".  Now I am pretty sure I think that is what I thought she said, but then again perhaps what I heard wasn't exactly what she meant.  

People have a small part of the brain called the RTPJ (right temporal parietal junction) that is completely specialized to think of other peoples thoughts.  As you read this that little part of your head is going "why is he writing this blog" and the little part in my head is going "cool, someone is reading my blog". Throughout life this area of the brain becomes more and more specialized, and it isn't completely devoloped until late adolescence.

We are basically the same as these two.

  • At age 3 a child doesn't understand that different people have their own thoughts.
  • Age 5 a kid understands that people have their own thoughts, but still doesn't understand morality in others.
  • Age 7 kids learn to understand morality in others, though it is still confused.
  • Eventually around 15-18 children finally become able to fully grasp the concept of "other peoples' minds", or at least they understand it as well as an adult does.
Interestingly side note, this part of the brain looked to be about the same size of the Broca (the area of the brain specialized for linguistic skills.)

Reading the thoughts of other people isn't easy though.  Think about it.  You are not just a linear black and white thought process.  You are feelings, emotions, moral mazes, complex experiences, sensations without words. The real neat thing is, the brain is already working to understand all those feelings, thoughts, emotions sensations and moral convictions of other people. Immediately when you see a picture of someone, you have a sense of what they felt and thought.  

Up till now I didn't know that such an area of the brain existed.  Now I wonder. Would it be possible to develop this specific area of the brain.  I am sure it could be done. I mean, would their be some drastic change in society if we made that part of a public school regimen?