Saturday, July 28, 2012

Political issues will now be settled with memes

Politics is confusing and boring. That is why most people hate it and avoid it at all costs. Luckily we live in the enlightened edge of digital communication where we can express every thing we want with simple pictures called "memes".

Meet Obama.

obama cool

 He is our president. 

obama laughing
 He thinks that you suck.

obama didn't build that
 He thinks he is smarter than you.

obama robs america
And he hates children

There we go, after about four thousand words worth of pictures I think we all can agree that Obama doesn't believe in individual liberty. He is a communist like Stalin or Hitler or Satan. 

Ok. I just want to clear things up.  I don't thing Obama intends to be evil.  I think in his deranged mind he believes he is actually helping people.  But, the thing is, he isn't.  So any way.  he is isn't like evil or nothin. He is just an idiot, sorry, no just kidding. He is probably has a reasonably average IQ. 

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