Friday, September 14, 2012

Kneel Before Your Gods, Babylon.

Hello my brethren.  Today we are going to talk about idol worship.  Why would people do that?  Is it because we all have a void in our heart the needs filling?  Or are these idols a projection of one's self, ego, or pride?

Allow me to philosophize for a second before we continue on to the meat of the blog.  Mmm... blog meat, slowly cooked in the red hot hands of Ra.

Without something to fill that void, men grow restless.  The void grows, eating away at man's core eventually causing him collapses in upon himself.

Religion or worship provides substance. It is that exhilarating force that propels man.  Of course, people can worship whatever they want.   But two men worshiping different things will propelled in completely separate directions. Why would I say all this?  Because look at this.
Kneel before your god, Babylon.
Holy crap. This is Avicii.  He is a DJ.  To me this picture looks like an ancient Egyptian ceremony from outer space.  Of course, I know that people are not actually worshiping this guy, but it still looks like how I imagine their rituals would look.   

Then there is Deadmau5.  The worship he gets equates to roughly a 12 million dollar net worth.  So yeah,  I was just thinking if we could transport one of these guys back in time, we could easily take control of an empire. Alls I am saying is alls.  

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