Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I Made A Friend

Recently I got in a row (like a fight not a column) type thing with this guy. His name is Ian.  Ian WithRow. He loves his wife. He has a successful and fulfilling career as a new products and solutions finder for technology companies, which leads me to believe that he is nothing more than a video game tester.  I can't be sure though.  

Off subject real quick. Isn't it funny how we can so easily stock one another. Well, I guess it is more creepy and off-putting than funny.  Anyway, I bet this man is probably picking though my facebook information right now.  Well, I'll be damned if he gets the last laugh. 

We need a few items to illustrate the situation properly.
Item One: My Quora Answer.
I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I did a decent job on this.  If you judge the quality of someones work by how many people like it, then you could say this answer was legitimately good.  It got a lot of attention on quora. 

Item Two: The Heckler

I think it is a natural law of nature. If there is something good (my quora answer) then people will try to destroy it. 
I believe some people feel a sense of power from destroying the accomplishments of others.  However, there is no power in it at all.  Those people who destroy have nothing in themselves.  Take away the accomplishments of others and suddenly these men have zero influence on the world around them.  These destroyers who seek false power, do not understand that progress and creation are the root of fulfillment. I would submit that those who seek to destroy will never attain truly fulfilled lives. 

So, I plead with you, do not be a heckler. If someone has something good, and there is nothing about it that harms you in any way, please do not try to destroy it.  This is frustrating for everyone, and I don't think it will make you happy if you succeed. 

Oops,I feel like I got a little serious there. Sorry.

Item Three: What He Said

Our friend the heckler  said this, "I can only view this answer as well intentioned but fraudulent.  Quora at it's worst, exemplary form in terms of the answer but bankrupt when it comes to content." 


I am calm...  Ok... Read my answer does that look fraudulent? It is in no way fraudulent.  I clearly states the facts.   Bankrupt? No sir, it is not bankrupt. It is the flippin Koh-I-Noor of running advice.

I responded to this, with a link to a harvard study, a blog from some self proclaimed sports science expert, and one of the blogs I wrote for .  He denied my sources.

We got talking back and forth.  And he was all like "change your answer brah"

and I was like "No, fool"

As all arguments do, this one eventually became a philosophical battle of wits. 

Now, Tell Me If I Am Wrong Here

Funny thing is, he was the one that brought up philosophy.  Of course he was saying it conflicts with the purview of science, so it probably just frustrated him that I took a philosophical approach in my reply. Anyway, now we are friends and some day I will probably shake his hand.  I imagine we will pat each others back, and maybe give each other a short respectful one armed hug. Hehe yeah we're dworks. It is ok.

PS. Sometimes I write a blog post about a dude I met on quora. What do you expect? I don't even have cable TV, what else am I supposed to do.

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