Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Five Cutest Animal Vidoes (and Stunning Psychological Revalations)

I am not a psychologist and know very little about psychology. You won't really learn any stunning psychological revaluations (hehe typo) here, unless you have some sort of epiphany while watching these fun videos. If you do, please share. 

Number One 
Butter Milk the Spirit Goat 

Alright a beautiful video of a hyped up goat jumping on her brothers and sisters like they are koopas.  What is not to love. It got me wondering, why do we love this, does this goat need medication, what kind of goat is this anyway?  I get all worked up when I watch this little goat jump around, but why? Answer: I don't know. Interestingly though, we don't even feel the slightest bit of empathy for the poor black goat that was jumped on twice. Watch the video again, see if you care that the goat was trampled on.  You don't, weird huh? In a psychological sense, what does that say about us?

Number Two
Sneezy Panda
AHAHAHA, the baby panda sneezed so hard it startled mama panda.  In a real life situation (meaning with humans rather than pandas, because everyone knows panda life isn't real) both child and mother would laugh and say "where da fu did that come from?". Panda's are impressively dumb animals. They don't have the mental or emotional capacity to laugh.  So we laugh for them... or at them.  I don't think this says anything about human psychology. 

Number Three
Cow's Like Lame Music
Ok, these guys are actually not bad at their instruments.  But what kind of crowd are they playing for?  Why would you care to entertain a cow when you could eat it? Does music actually make these cows happy, or are they just confused. I wonder do happy cows make happy meals?    More importantly, how often are these guys performing for their cow audience, and what do their wives think of their husband's failed musical careers? These are the questions I ask myself.

Number Four
 A Cat
You have to wonder what that cat was chewing on and why it made that face.  Does it have a sore tooth, or did it just eat something poisonous, perhaps it is something much worse. Within the next ten seconds after the video cuts, does this poor cat die?  If so, why are we all laughing about it? Most importantly though, why is it on a leash?

Number Five
Cat and Treadmills

Watching cats on a treadmill is not actual exercise! I think this says much more about people than it does about cats.  Everyone on the freaking internet wants their cat to be famous, and they want to advertise their treadmill while doing it.

This one gets two videos because it is such a common occurrence.  I think this also gives us a great deal of incite to what the internet is really all about- treadmills and cats.  Honestly, That is why I am on the internet.


Ok, ok. I know in the title I promised to give you some stunning psychological revelations with these videos, but I got lazy after I realized that would take a lot of thought.  So anyways, sorry I lied.

Truth is I am paid to build a network of links that all leads to one singular treadmill site.  The whole point of this post was to get a link for a couple sites that I am paid to promote. I feel like I have cheated you all.  For this I apologize. I hope that someday you can forgive me.



  1. Ok Tommy,
    I know that I am not a proffesional in the animal field but lets consider for a moment that maybe, cows haven't been exposed to very much music in their lives of grazing and so forth. When finally introduced to music, they may have just been so happy to finally hear the joyous strains that it didn't matter whether it was Dixie Land, or anything else, maybe bovines like music!
    I don't know why we didn't feel sorry for the little black goat, maybe we don't transfer our politically correct thinking over to animals, could we subconsciousely realize that they can prance and play and follow out their inhibitions without hurt feelings from the other animal. On the other hand, I did feel bad for the little white cat, probably because it was not another animal that had caused her discomfort but most likely a human, I would guess that because, she had a leash around her neck. Cats should in most cases be free, un less they are in hospitals as caregiving animals. (obviousely my own opinion)

    1. Please forgive my mispellings and mistakes in the above post, I am hungry and without my glasses ;)

    2. Interesting point you make about the bovine. They are impressively dumb animals aren't they?

      On another note, know how you mentioned cats should be free. Well there is a family of cats that lives in a bush just beyond my office window. Sometimes I see the mama cat bringing home a dead rodent in her mouth. Other times the young kitties come out and perch themselves on a little rock in the sun, like simba from lion king.I don't know I just remembered that.

      I think cats should be trained to fight. Of course we de-claw them first... and de-teath them. That way it would be cute fighting. They would terribly useless as predators toward humans, so it would be fun to watch them fight in all their pathetic impotence. It would be like two toddlers playing pillow fight, except they are cats.
