Thursday, May 10, 2012

Talking to Yourself May Save Your Brain

Sorry about the alarming title to this blog.  I wasn’t trying to insinuate that your brain needs saving. However, if it does then this post could be very beneficial to you. 

Ignore this picture and keep reading.
Don’t ask me how I came across this information because I am about to tell you right now.  So every once in a while, while I’m at work swimming through the massive septic tank that is interweb, I find a small gem.  Like when someone accidently swallows a marble and then forgets about it. Well don’t worry I am down below wading in the fecal excrement of every internet user who ever existed just waiting for such gems to fall into my crudely fashioned net (I use stumbleupon and digg).  When they finally come, I sneak ten minutes away from work and type a quick little blog about it.   And today's little tid-bit of information is golden.  Like one of those eggs that the geese in Willy Wonka lay, right from their bakoocas.  

Sometimes I talk to myself because I think it is funny.  Turns out it is actually majorly beneficial for your brain.  So those narcissists who talk to themselves all the time, who think they are so smart, well they probably are.  According to Wric, talking to yourself improves memory. ABC said that it accelerates cognitive functioning. And research from some fancy Harvard study showed that talking to one’s self and about one’s self actually stimulates the ‘reward’ center of the brain, or as they say in their fancy Harvard talk it is "intrinsically rewarding". 

I think this talking has to be out loud. Blogging doesn’t count.  But I am sure there are plenty of mental benefits to blogging, just nobody cares to do a study on that because it doesn’t make any interesting titles. Plus the blogging industry is quite dilapidated already. We don't need any more competition.  Thinking about it, yeah, it kind of makes sense that talking to yourself would do all those things.

I mean I talk to myself all the time, and that is probably why I feel great all the time too. 
Like this one time I was at work I was talking to myself.  Then one of my coworkers is all like “what was that?”
Then I was all like “excuse me. Was I talking to you?” Then I walked away laughing and mumbling to myself  about how fun the other night was. Yup, you can bet I felt real good after that. And I did.   

PS. Quick little side note. That Harvard study showed that people were actually willing to forgo money to answer questions about themselves rather than about, you know, things that weren't themselves. So mull that over in your conceited, narcissistic, bigheaded head of yours.  


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