- I started biking (went once).
- Friends now call me Badge
- Got a job.
- need a haircut.
- decided my new ambition in life is to become an internetainerpreneur
- yes, it means what you think it means
- have started using bullet points inappropriately
- That about catches us up.
ahh blogs, bridging that weird gap between dairy and public performance of self. I always wonder who will read these. Oh I know you will. But I am talking about those people that creep around on blogs they weren't invited to. No don't get me wrong I love those fools. What's that? Oh Yeah, I haven't blogged for a minute. Well Because I don't like blogging!!!! There I said it. Are you happy now?!!! Oh great, now look everybody is upset...
Yes. I got a new job. It requires me to actually use my Gmail account. So whilst clearing out the trash folder I came across a slew of updates from Linkedin. The updates came from the trash. Take that to mean whatever you want. I am not trying to suggest that linkedin updates are as valuable as digital garbage. Maybe they are maybe they aren't. That is a personal decision that you will have to make for yourself. For me though, all the updates go to my trash.
Digital Garbage: least valuable thing in existence.
See also; Useless, worthless, meaningless, pointless, feckless-- what the, feck? I didn't know that was a word.-- profitless, fruitless, bootless.
That is why they call me the tangent king.
The point is, in my garbage there were emails saying that people had endorsed me for blogging. Now I feel obligated to update my blog. So here it is.
Update complete.
Also if you want to be great blogger like me. read this (secrets to great blogging). That was one of my first blog posts. Ha when I was actually good at blogging. But hey want to hear a funny story. I considered clicking the link then decided not to. haha
Ok truth though I had an epiphanie just barely. So maybe I will be updating this silly little blog a little more.
Note to self: blog on digital trash and all my cool nicknames. Wait.. mix topics make one really awesome post.
PS. this may be the most pointless blog ever. But look I have been endorsed. And even though I don't have anything to say I still have a voice.
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