Saturday, November 3, 2012

Did you create the universe? (Thoughts that keep me awake)

It is 5 AM. I apologize if this becomes dumb or if it is continuously dumb throughout. Ok. Lets begin. Vibrations do not have intrinsic attributes like color or sound. Ok, so what? So everything that you have seen or heard has only been your mind's way of interpreting all the junk around you.

To some aliens we may just look like neon stick figures.
I am sure this thought has already occurred to you.  Not much new there. Now your saying, "So what? The sights and sounds I experience are just my brains way of decoding the information around me. Big whoop. Who cares?" But, have you ever stopped to think that if you didn't exist neither would those colors and neither would those sounds. The features of that light are only their because your eyes create them. Light and sound are just streams of energy vibrating at there own unique frequencies. It isn't until they are perceived by the eyes and ears that they acquire their tonal or color qualities.That is pretty cool.  If there were no you, then the world would never have any colors or sounds. --I understand that others have senses too, but we are not talking about that right now. Ok.--. So if a tree falls in the woods and you're not around. Then the truth is it didn't make a sound, and it was also completely colorless too.

Synesthesia is when the brain confuses two senses.
I.e. seeing sounds or tasting colors 
Sight and sound is one thing, but what about smells or taste?  These must be different in some way because they come from tangible things like peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Bananas and peanuts do not vibrate... Right? They are not frequencies, so what smells?  Actually the way we smell is surprisingly similar to the way we see or hear. All food that we taste and all aromas are just made of molecules, and molecules are just little balls of energy that vibrate.  Smell and taste are not actually intrinsic qualities to molecules either. This explains why people like different foods. Smells, like color or sound, are just our noses's way of interpreting the vibrations of specific molecular compounds. Turns out if you have two molecular compounds that have similar vibration patterns then you will get similar smells even if they are two totally different things, like sulfur and hard boiled eggs for example. pretty neat huh?  So sugar only taste good because your brain says it does. In all actuality it is just a compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. And, come on, there is nothing tasty about that.

So think about this.  If you didn't ever exist than neither would any of those sounds, sights, tastes or smells. All those molecules and all those vibrating frequencies moving through space would be pointless or at least featureless.  The whole reason the universe is here is so that you can interact with it.  You experiencing them gives them a purpose gives them meaning. If you think that a sunset or the sound of a bird singing is beautiful, think again. It is your way of interpreting it that is beautiful.  Though, the birds way of interpreting it is probably sort of beautiful too, in a dumb bird kind of way.

So I guess to answer the question in the title, NO.  If you didn't exist those molecules and vibrations that make the universe still would. However, without us the universe would be featureless, like a coloring book that has never been touched. That means your senses are the proverbial crayons.  And if you are like I am with coloring books, coloring it in is just as good as drawing it yourself. So what is the point of all this?  It is our sense of perception that gives feature and meaning to our universe. So we are sort of the whole purpose of everything. Kinda neat huh?

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