Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thoughts on Roads

Geometry fact: Roads are equal
to the shape of a giant violin

Man: the geometric abstraction on this earth. Roads stand as a testament to that fact, and are beautiful ones at that.  They shrink distances and they connect states.  They are the skeletal system for thriving cities and booming metropolis.  They support the vessels that transport the lifeblood of society.  Like fossils preserved in tar, long after we are gone these roads will remain as evidence of all that we accomplish in our lives.

Recently I watched a video about why animals don't have wheels for feet. The answer to this ridiculous question is actually much simpler than you would think. It is also much more revealing than you would suspect. 

Algebra Fact: Beetle = x Dung = 4x
Creatures utilize all sorts of wonderful forms of locomotion.  They use legs, fins, wings, and some even slither. So why don't animals have wheels for feet? The answer, because they do not have any roads.  Take away roads and wheels become basically useless.  Without a road, wheels are just like big piles of dung made for beetles to push around. So people have built paths and this led to wheels- so what?

Animals never built any roads because it doesn't really make sense to do that.  Think about it.  Building a road takes time and energy. Once I have made that road some moocher could come and walk on it for free. From an evolutionary stand point it doesn't really make sense because it doesn't give me an advantage over you.  However, this selfless act of labor does give the human race an advantage over every other creature on earth, and helps to propel us toward progression.  This is why humans are awesome because we do things for people we don't even know, we do things for people we will never even see. And because we build these paths, people after us can build them further.  It is really a beautiful thing. 

I don't want you guys thinking that I like to build roads to be selfless though.  Though selflessness is one of the major reasons roads and people are awesome, another equally awesome trait to man is their selfishness.  

You are probably thinking "Hey slow down.  You said building a road is selfless and cool but now you are saying selfishness is cool.  Isn't that a contradiction?"

Ahh yes. Good question, my boy.  I oft think about philosophical debacles concerning morality and coolness, such as this. I think I have an answer. I will have to use colors to illustrate.  So we will use yellow because it is so standy-outy on the word Selfish. And because I like green we will use it for Selfless. At first glance you can see how very different these are.  But when you look closer you can see that green is actually composed of yellow, mixed with some other element I would assume to be Virtue or something.  Doing what is best for you in many cases is best for everyone.  Likewise, being self-destructive is destructive for other people besides just yourself.  What does this have to do with roads?

"A man's life is meant to be a continues path, like a road,  each day building upon the last. By building upon the accomplishments of yesterday he immortalizes his past and propels himself further into the future. The act of cooking a meal was like a closed circle, started and then done. Ending where it began, later to be repeated.  Men where not meant to live their life as a circle, or even a trail of circles falling off like zeros in their past."  I am paraphrasing, so if you can name the author you get extra points.  So it would be in your own personal interest to further your own talents and abilities, and at the same time due to the laws of synergy --I think it is due to synergy. I will have to further research it, then I will tell you.-- it would also be in the best interest of those around you. 

*Quickly I would like to dispel any negative assumptions that some people may have inferred.  Cooking is not a waist of time, but it is possible for some*(not all) people to feel that it does not accomplish them.  So that is why women should do it. I AM KIDDING... well, kind of. Women don't have to just cook.  Their back to the road thing. 

 So why the heck did I decide today I loved roads so much?  The reason is because I started driving this.

Except imagine it with cobwebs in the cracks and crevices and with rust on all the parts of the exposed frame where the paint has chipped off. Added bonus, it came packed with cigarette butts in the ashtray.  Score!  I couldn't be happier even if I was dead.

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