It is 2:30 now, and it has been 6 hours since the incident. I have brushed my teeth and eaten a Chicken Mango Salad from Costa Vida. I feel better than ever. You know, the best things in life money can't buy. Let me explain. There was a moment when was stumbling out of the locker room and I saw this man who had a look like "I know what you did". I ignored his look because my head felt like it was floating off of my body. And, I was concerned that if I didn't get to my car soon my head might leave my body to collapse to the ground. Needless to say I made to my car with my head intact. That is when I realized. Money can't buy workout-so-hard-that-you-spew. Only the people who truly work for it will ever know that joy.
Now for the joys that money can buy.
That is me in a bath tub full of 2,600 dollars. I saved all my tips from the summer in a back pack and then swam in it for a minute. Turns out it is actually quite refreshing despite how filthy dollar bills are. Hey do you see that weird brown thing by my left shoulder? What is it?Ps. if you want to see me doing a front flip onto a moving treadmill click here.
Haha, I thought it was so funny when you told me about throwing up after your workout. Man, maybe next time I throw up, I should be more like you and take pride in it. I've gotten really really good at throwing up over the past 3 months! P.S. Swimming in money sounds so gross, but I think it's super cool that you did it, and it made for an awesome picture, despite the mysterious brown thing next to your shoulder!