Saturday, September 29, 2012

Want to Accomplish A Goal? Then Keep it To Yourself

keep it secret.
Here is a fun bit of psychology for you.  If you have a personal goal that you really want to accomplish then do not tell anyone about it.  Studies have shown that any time you share a personal goal with someone, you are less likely to accomplish said goal.  Hmmm interesting.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Frozen Salmon In my Underdrawers

According to The Longman Writer 8th edition, a title should be short and concise.  It should prep the reader for the story to come.  So that is why “Frozen Salmon In my Underdrawers.”
Note: People don't like blood pictures on Instagram.
Uhhg. I can’t believe I am doing this. Blogging when I am not at work. I am not even getting paid. I feel like an old cat lady or a photographer.  yuck.  I do have good reason though.  I split my toe open real good, so I can't walk or climb or run or slackline or do anything.  Because of the toe and some extra free time caused by unfortunate recent events all my school work is done, I even worked ahead so I don’t have to do any homework till mid October...  Also I think I pinched a nerve near my greater trochanter right above my femur to the left of my sacrum. And, that is why the frozen salmon.   Because the ice cold lean fish protein helps to alleviate the inflammation. Plus holding frozen meat to your thigh thaws it like 3 times faster.  Not to mention, great nutrients. Wait. I don’t have to explain myself.  So what if I am going to eat it?  It is my fish I can do what I want... I straying off topic.
Anyways, here is the story.  So I am sitting at the piano learning the song Love One Another with a fish in my pants when I get a phone call from my roommate’s fiancé.  Basically she says” blah blah blah, I am a girl, blah blah blah, my friend, blah help ”. Typical girl talk.
So I agreed to help her friend do something even though she wouldn’t tell me what it was.  That is ok though because I didn’t tell her about the concealed frozen fish. 
I have to fast forward over the boring parts. So I am only going to give you the main snippets.  16$ gas, Arbys, radiator fluid, military communion, freeway, hazard lights, spilled batteries, swimming pool, pedestrian on the street walking when the cross signal clearly depicts a flashing hand. You know what I mean. 
Findly look like this except younger
So I am driving sergeant Findly (a.k.a. roommate’s fiancé’s friend) back to his car after our little adventure. It is cool and all because he is like straight from Iraq and has all sorts of awesome stories. The only problem is he thinks his stories are better than my stories.
He is all like.  “I worked for the FPC (force protection corp.). Basically we were the first responders to any enemy attacks.”
I was all like, “that is cool, but I wrote articles about health and fitness for a small SEO company”
“but then they moved me to the gate.” he said a bit dejectedly. 
ha the gate, nothing cool can happen at the gate. I figured I had won.
Yeah, it is crazy” he was saying. “90 percent of the time you are just pushing a button to let people in and out. But then there is that one time… you know those bombers with the TNT strapped to their chest. Well, those happen at the gate. where I was." he paused for a moment and looked out the car window" Anyways after something like that you realize ‘wow I could have died’ and life seems to catch up to you. That is when you really begin to appreciate—
“yeah sure that’s great”. I interrupted “How about this though? So there I am climbing the wall at the Dixie College and this old couple is playing ping pong just minding their own business.  Suddenly out of nowhere their ping pong ball rolls underneath were I am climbing.”
He tried to cover up his genuine amusement and interest with a courtesy laugh and a confused expression but I could tell how he really felt.“Then after the gate they repositioned me in the tower”  Climbing must have sparked his memory about times on the tower.  “Usually, we keep IP on the tower. IP is Iraqi Police just so you know.”
Iraqi Police
“I did know” I lied.
“Well, when we had the IP up for watch we kept getting attacked. You see, the Iraqis would get a square bar, a metal sheet and some old m49 or m83 ammunition and they would fashion themselves some homemade mortars.  These weapons could only shoot a distance of 200 meters at max. Well within visual range. Either the IP just didn’t have good watch skills or they were intentionally letting the attacks happen.  So that is why they put me up there. “
Fortunately by know we had made it to his car, and he was in a hurry to get to drill or something or other.  So there wasn’t time for us to continue our little discussion. 
Though I do have some questions in my mind from the whole experience. Why the heck didn’t my roommate’s fiancé just call my roommate and ask him to help the bloke?  I would assume it is because the fiancé and friend had a romantic history, because he told me they did.  I would also assume because the friend of fiancé used to date fiancé then fiancé thought it would be best to keep betrothed roommate out of it, for drama purposes.  Despite their being no real animosity between the two men, the military ex-lover and the current betrothed roommate, it is still fun for girls to pretend like their could be drama and needlessly introduce an innocent bystander into the equation in hopes of avoiding a dramatic situation, even if the dramatic situation never really existed.
Also I never told him that I was holding a frozen fish in my pants moments before I gave him a ride.  Why would I? That would be weird.
There we go a post with everything, drama, action, romance, and adventure. I am proud of myself for this.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Happiness is exercising until you throw up

Today something amazing happened.  Yup, I spewed in the locker room of Golds Gym. Don't tell anyone though because... well, actually you can tell some one. What I meant was I didn't tell anyone.  After it happened I just left. I was going to tell the people at the front desk but I got nervous because the people was an attractive woman. So to avoid embarrassment I decided not to say anything. Crises averted. Problem solved. Situation assuaged?...

It is 2:30 now, and it has been 6 hours since the incident. I have brushed my teeth and eaten a Chicken Mango Salad from Costa Vida. I feel better than ever.  You know,  the best things in life money can't buy. Let me explain.  There was a moment when was stumbling out of the locker room and I saw this man who had a look like "I know what you did". I ignored his look because my head felt like it was floating off of my body. And, I was concerned that if I didn't get to my car soon my head might leave my body to collapse to the ground.  Needless to say I made to my car with my head intact.  That is when I realized. Money can't buy workout-so-hard-that-you-spew.  Only the people who truly work for it will ever know that joy.

Now for the joys that money can buy.
That is me in a bath tub full of 2,600 dollars.  I saved all my tips from the summer in a back pack and then swam in it for a minute.  Turns out it is actually quite refreshing despite how filthy dollar bills are.  Hey do you see that weird brown thing by my left shoulder? What is it?

Ps. if you want to see me doing a front flip onto a moving treadmill click here.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Kneel Before Your Gods, Babylon.

Hello my brethren.  Today we are going to talk about idol worship.  Why would people do that?  Is it because we all have a void in our heart the needs filling?  Or are these idols a projection of one's self, ego, or pride?

Allow me to philosophize for a second before we continue on to the meat of the blog.  Mmm... blog meat, slowly cooked in the red hot hands of Ra.

Without something to fill that void, men grow restless.  The void grows, eating away at man's core eventually causing him collapses in upon himself.

Religion or worship provides substance. It is that exhilarating force that propels man.  Of course, people can worship whatever they want.   But two men worshiping different things will propelled in completely separate directions. Why would I say all this?  Because look at this.
Kneel before your god, Babylon.
Holy crap. This is Avicii.  He is a DJ.  To me this picture looks like an ancient Egyptian ceremony from outer space.  Of course, I know that people are not actually worshiping this guy, but it still looks like how I imagine their rituals would look.   

Then there is Deadmau5.  The worship he gets equates to roughly a 12 million dollar net worth.  So yeah,  I was just thinking if we could transport one of these guys back in time, we could easily take control of an empire. Alls I am saying is alls.  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Real life Pokemon

some pokemon are badgers with
with skulls on their head.

Recently I have been playing a lot of pokemon.  Approximately 20 hours of game time in three days. How do I accomplish all this pokemon playing whilst going to school and working two jobs?  I don't sleep. That is how.
Actually, just the other day I quit playing.  So now instead of searching for TMs in the Pokecenter of Verilian city, I am blogging...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thoughts on Roads

Geometry fact: Roads are equal
to the shape of a giant violin

Man: the geometric abstraction on this earth. Roads stand as a testament to that fact, and are beautiful ones at that.  They shrink distances and they connect states.  They are the skeletal system for thriving cities and booming metropolis.  They support the vessels that transport the lifeblood of society.  Like fossils preserved in tar, long after we are gone these roads will remain as evidence of all that we accomplish in our lives.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Facts on Impact

  • It would take about 732 quintillion packets of Kool-Aid and 91.5 quadrillion metric tons of sugar to turn the ocean into cheery Kool-Aid.
  • One atomic bomb can destroy an entire city.
  • If everyone on earth was standing shoulder to shoulder, you could fit all of us within the city of Los Angeles
  • Everyone on earth could live in a state the size of Texas. If they were willing to live New York type of conditions.
  • The average American lives to be about 28 547 days old.
  • If you made a new friend every single month of your life, you would have around 900 friends.
  • Unfortunately, according to Dunbar we can only hope to keep real relations with 100-230 people. That means each person with 500+ friends on their facebook will never really know about half their so called friends.
  • If you have a youtube video that has been seen 100,000 times.  You have been viewed by more people than you could ever realistically hope to meet in your life. 
  • There are around 7 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 atoms in the human body.
  • Deep down at an atomic level the sub-structure of mass becomes a haze of energy.
  • There are about 400 000 000 000 000 stars in the milky way galaxy alone